What Our Students Say About ARCK:

“I wish we could do ARCK all day!”

“During art class I feel relaxed, no worries, completely anxiety free. I wish we had more classes, I want to learn more all the time.”

“I feel proud of myself because I accomplished something really good [when I make art].”

“I like ARCK because…

We can be creative.”
You can be you.”
You can show how you feel with drawing.”
I can share my art with other kids and see what they are making too.”

What Our School Partners Say About ARCK:

“I really can’t begin to say how much of an impact ARCK has had in my classroom. For the past two years, my classroom did not receive arts as a special, so without the ARCK program, my students would not have had the outlet to express themselves creatively the way that ARCK allows them to. This year I’m working with students with moderate disabilities, and it’s extremely important that they have a vessel to communicate their thoughts and emotions and feelings and ARCK allows them to do that. I am extremely passionate about ARCK. I see the work that they do every week. The students are excited about it, they ask about it, they can’t wait for the ARCK instructors to come to the classroom.”

Tyler Poquette, Blackstone Elementary School

“ARCK helps me think more creatively as an educator. ARCK has helped me think about how to integrate academic concepts with creative expression to give my students a more engaging and authentic experience.

 ARCK helps my students with their language skills, as there is a chunk of time in each lesson for students to talk to each other and share with the group. Students discuss things they noticed about the artwork, things they feel proud of, how the problem-solved when something felt difficult, and shout out each other's work as well. We know that building language and vocabulary ultimately helps kids with reading and writing, so the more opportunities my students have to speak and listen, the better. ARCK also gives my students a chance to relax and experience that feeling of "flow", when they can just get into the rhythm of art and express themselves authentically. I've noticed that ARCK (particularly when the students are actually working with the art materials) is one of the calmest parts of our week.”

Melanie McDermott, Blackstone Elementary School

“The program was a great way for kids to express themselves and use art to improve their social-emotional well-being.”

Teacher, Sarah Greenwood School

“Teachers are thrilled with the ARCK Teaching Artists and the program itself. The instructors have been so interactive and provided a wonderful space for students to learn and grow.”

Partnership Coordinator, Josiah Quincy Elementary School

What Our Community Says About ARCK:

“Boston Public Schools need ARCK … The art allows our students to gain 21st century skills…to be creative and critical thinkers, collaborators, to take risks and to be persistent. Whether they decide to become artists or not, those skills will help them as they become lawyers, doctors, or engineers.”

Myran Parker-Brass, Former Executive Director for the Arts, Boston Public Schools

“ARCK helps to fill the arts education gap in a number of BPS classrooms, and should its funding grow, has the immediate capacity to expand into more schools and classrooms. I am proud to call myself a supporter of The Art Resource Collaborative for Kids and the important work they do in our schools. The arts are vital to a well-rounded education.”

Michelle Wu, Mayor

“[ARCK] plays an important role in the Boston Public Schools and I am proud to support [its] efforts… Through its mission of linking creative learning with thematic elements, such as character development and social justice, the Art Resource Collaborative for Kids models the true impact that a creative education can have on a child.”

Jay Livingstone, State Representative 

“I feel really privileged and proud to be part of ARCK. I am excited to share the value of art with developing creative minds.  It’s a beautiful thing to watch a child grow.”

Marian Dioguardi, Artist