ARCK Donor Privacy Policy
We care about the privacy of our donors and we will not sell, rent or trade your name or personal information with other organizations. Donor information is only shared with third parties if necessary to carry out business activities, operations or functions on our behalf.
This policy applies to all information received by ARCK on any website or mobile application, as well as through electronic, written, oral or other communications.
What Personal Information Do We Gather?
Information You Give Us
We receive and store information you enter into our website or give us in any other way. This includes personal information such as your name, address, phone number, email address and the amount donated. It may also include comments you make on our website or on social media platforms we use.
Our third party service providers receive information you enter in order to make online donations or purchases.
Information Automatically Gathered
When you visit our website, our servers make a log of basic information corresponding to the sites and pages you have visited. This information is stored primarily to track the effectiveness of our website. At this time, our website does not use cookies (alphanumeric identifiers that can be stored by a visitor’s browser to identify them on a future visit, or during a single visit).
How We Use The Information
Donor information we gather is used to further our mission and for purposes such as internal analysis and record keeping, sending receipts and acknowledgements, reporting to applicable state and federal agencies and communicating with donors. Anonymized donor information is used for promotional and fundraising activities. Certain donors have the option of having their name publicly associated with their donation.
Information you provide for online donations and purchases is processed through third-party service providers and is only used to process those transactions. This information is encrypted and is handled using industry standard security measures. ARCK does not store, nor does it have access to credit card or other financial information sent to third party service providers.
Access to other financial information provided to ARCK (information that may appear on donation checks, for example) is strictly limited to professional staff who need to process that information.
Comments about us that you post on our website or social media platforms may be used for marketing purposes. Comments you send us via email or telephone will be kept confidential.
Conditions of Use and Revisions
By visiting our website or visiting us though social media (such as Facebook or Twitter), you are accepting the practices described in this Privacy Policy. This policy may be updated from time to time.
If you have any questions about privacy at ARCK please contact us at
Last updated May 8, 2019