ARCK’s ProgramS
ARCK’s innovative approach doesn’t just put a paintbrush in a student’s hand and wait to see what happens. It gives them a creative toolbox they can use for the rest of their lives.
A growing body of research shows that creativity is an essential component of a well-rounded education. Incorporating creativity into academic subjects has been shown to increase students’ achievement, motivation, attention, and critical thinking skills. Research also shows a positive correlation between exposure to creative content and the development of social-emotional skills.
ARCK’s Creativity Catalyst Learning Community is driven by our Integrated Creative Mindset (ICM) - A toolbox for educators that includes our unique curriculum, standards, assessments, and resources. ICM uses creativity as a vehicle to promote academic engagement, social-emotional well-being, and social awareness and action.
At the core of our work is the belief that kids need to feel safe, seen, and heard in order to learn, and this "takes a village." Our curriculum culminates in capstone projects that make meaningful connections between the community and educators to amplify student voices in the world.
In-Schools Partnerships
Our In-Schools Partnerships depend on strong collaboration with schools and classroom teachers. ARCK Teaching Artists co-plan with classroom teachers to provide creative curriculum that aligns with academic goals and school learning initiatives. Through our partnerships, students see themselves as creative and innovative individuals who are capable of affecting positive change in their world.
Professional Learning & Coaching
We train educators to implement ARCK’s framework in their own classrooms. Using student-led, project-based creative integration, we help all kinds of educators reach their students in new and engaging ways. Training is held over a 6 week period and includes approximately 15 hours of professional learning. Coaching is an additional program where ARCK helps educators facilitate new curriculum in the classroom. Educators can participate in Training and Coaching separately or together as a package.
Community Partners, Advisors, & Mentors
ARCK’s community initiatives help reinforce the importance of creativity to the world at large. ARCK facilitates projects that connect BIPOC artists and mentors with educators and students to create public art and social innovation projects. These initiatives also include student advisory boards, parent/caregiver partnerships, panel discussions, creativity workshops, and students showcase events, ultimately engaging participants in an inter-generational discourse around education and innovation.