the creators program

A 36-week in-class program that uses the arts and creativity as the tool for interdisciplinary academic success.

ARCK-Trained Teaching Artists Provide:

  • Engaging, hands-on projects that foster students' creativity, social-emotional skills, and social justice & equity mindset

  • Support for BPS teachers' existing curriculum & goals

  • Developmentally-appropriate lessons for K-8th grade students

  • Teaching Practices grounded in Universal Design for Learning, Trauma-Informed Teaching, and Culturally- and Linguistically-Responsive Teaching to support all students


1 Students explore identity, origin, and intention through themes of self-expression, respect, community participation, and intercultural exchanges.

2 Students explore how we interact with one another; are invited to see themselves as vital members of their communities; examine their roles in collectives; and develop leadership and critical-thinking skills toward solving real-life problems.

3 Students explore how to collaboratively face challenges, identify issues, and propose pathways for change through human-centered projects that address a social need.